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These sites offer methods of mastering foreign languages quickly and efficiently.
See also our guides to Memory systems, Learning methods and Review systems, where there are further references to language learning.

Claritaslux language learning software Download a language to your brain! This innovative software is designed to teach languages in an accelerated fashion, even to those who think they have no gift for learning languages.

Linkword Languages  Linkword language courses cover 30 languages. They speed up learning by giving a memory aid for each foreign word, linking sound to meaning. The developer of the courses is Dr. Michael Gruneberg, an internationally recognised expert on learning methods. You can try out the method for free and can buy the CDs and E-books online from this UK site. In the US, visit  Unforgettable Languages.

VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) is vocabulary learning software that asks you questions (e.g. "How do you say this word in Spanish?") and schedules repetitions for each question throughout a school term. Every day, VTrain will let you know which questions (flashcards) are due for repetition. The better your score on a question, the less often you are tested on it [Germany - English language]

Superlearning has been developed by Sheila Ostrander, Lynn Schroeder and Nancy Ostrander over the past 20 years. Their books have been bestsellers in 25 languages. Baroque music is used to create a state of relaxed alertness and the material to be learned is spoken in a rhythmic way. The method has been applied to facts, figures and languages, as well as skills such as public speaking and decision-making. Audio tapes and CDs can be bought online, providing the special music and explaining how to make learning tapes for your own material [Canada]


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