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These sites cover methods for learning large amounts of complex information, retaining it in the long term and retrieving it instantly even under pressure. This is relevant to those studying for examinations but equally important for the similar learning tasks most of us face in our work. There are also strategies for increasing the receptiveness of the memory and the ability to learn passively. They include brainwave training, sleep learning and the use of background music. MindUser's own online course - Memory Skills Online - helps you to study for and pass examinations at any level in any subject. It gives strategies for note taking and tape learning and shows how memory training skills can work for exam study.

Accelerated Learning helps you find your preferred learning style and so absorb information and master languages more quickly and easily.  Home study and web-based programmes cater for pre-school children, students, teachers and trainers [UK]

British Dyslexia Association  The national organisation for dyslexia gives details of local UK associations which can be contacted for advice.

Communication and Learning Skills Centre [CALSC] Study skills training for those taking school, university and professional examinations. Personal tuition in the UK and computer programs for home use. Other courses for those with learning difficulties and dyslexia.

Illumine Training  presents seminars in the UK on speed reading and memory, learning and studying, mind mapping, accelerated learning, creativity, information overload, communication skills, stress management [UK]

InterLearning International Online courses, including study skills and Mind Mapping [US]

Learning Performance Seminars  Short study skills courses in London and other UK cities for school and university students [UK]

SEAL  The Society for Effective Affective Learning is a UK-based international association which organises conferences, publishes journals and supports local branches. Its interests include: Accelerated Learning, Autogenic Training, Dyslexia, Brain Gym, Holistic Learning, Mind Mapping, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), PhotoReading [UK]

Alphalearning Institute System based on the theory that high performance in reading, memory and creativity is linked to brainwave frequencies which we can learn to initiate at will. The training method involves equipment including an electroencephalograph [Switzerland]

Sleep Learning involves listening to material during sleep and harnessing the power of your subconscious to help you learn. It has been applied especially to learning foreign languages, but also to examination study and for implementing self-growth. An e-book which can be bought online describes the techniques for creating sleep learning sessions and gives details of equipment such as pillow speakers [Gibraltar]

Superlearning has been developed by Sheila Ostrander, Lynn Schroeder and Nancy Ostrander over the past 20 years. Baroque music is used to create a state of relaxed alertness and the material to be learned is spoken in a rhythmic way. The method has been applied to facts, figures and languages, as well as skills such as public speaking and decision-making. Audio tapes and CDs can be bought online, providing the special music and explaining how to make learning tapes for your own material [Canada]

Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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