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       Use mind skills for success in study, work & social life

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Internet guides to self-development websites, courses and events

SelfGrowth.com  Directory with thousands of links to websites worldwide on every aspect of personal growth, self-development and health [US]

Healthy Pages Guide to UK courses and exhibitions, plus a directory of practitioners, in the areas of  health, healing and self-growth [UK]

Pathways to Growth and Healing is a guide to self-growth, health, healing and spiritual development in the UK. Listings cover: exhibitions & festivals, classes & groups, organisations, practitioners, training courses & workshops, residential events & holidays, mail order products [UK]

The Alternative Guide  This guide to complementary health, healing and self-growth in London and Southern England gives details of events, therapists and personal development courses [UK]




Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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