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Philosophical societies, discussion groups and events. Many offer talks and debates for non-specialists which are ideal for beginners.

Forum for European Philosophy Charity promoting dialogue between philosophers in Britain and the rest of Europe and between academic philosophers and the public.   Regular discussions in central London  [UK]

French Institute As well as running language courses, this French Government institute in central London holds talks (some in French, others in English) on literature and philosophy. Events include a regular Parisian-style "café philo", where you drink coffee and discuss philosophy [UK]

London University's School of Advanced Study - Philosophy Programme organises seminars and conferences which are open to the general public. Its Society for Applied Philosophy promotes philosophical research with a bearing on practical concerns -  including environmental and medical ethics, social implications of scientific change, philosophical issues in education, law and economics [UK]

Philosophical Society of England Promotes the study of practical philosophy among the general public. Regular discussions in central London [UK]

Philosophy for All An independent association open to all, whether academics or beginners, which encourages non-technical debate. Regular central London events [UK]

Philosophy Now Meetup coordinates local meetings of Philosophy Now readers [US]

Royal Institute of Philosophy Founded in 1925, the Institute promotes the study of philosophy through lectures, conferences and its two journals Philosophy and Think [UK]

Online calendars of events worldwide are provided by these magazines:
Philosophy Now, The Philosophers' Magazine, The Examined Life Journal.




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