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The sites in this section provide systems for training the memory. They offer methods for remembering almost any kind of information, including numbers, speeches, names and faces. The emphasis is on the memory tasks of daily life, rather than examination study. Most systems depend upon creating associations of ideas, usually by visual imagery. Such strategies have been known for over 2,000 years and their effectiveness has now been confirmed by scientific research. They may not actually improve the memory and certainly don't give you a "photographic memory". However, they allow you to use your basic memory powers far more efficiently - and (for certain tasks) the improvement in performance can be rapid and dramatic. MindUser's own course - Memory Skills Online - teaches a practical system for remembering: facts and figures, actions and appointments, speeches and presentations, names and faces. It also gives powerful learning and study methods for examination and career success.

Academictips.org   Free online instruction in memory techniques, study methods, examination strategies and related skills important to students [US]
Creativity Web   by Charles Cave of Australia is mainly on creative thinking but also has sections on memory training, including remembering numbers.
Communication and Learning Skills Centre [CALSC] Study skills training for those taking school, university and professional examinations. Personal tuition in the UK and computer programs for home use. Other courses for those with learning difficulties and dyslexia [UK]
Dale Carnegie Training  covers leadership, sales and communications skills - plus methods of speaking from memory. Seminars take place worldwide. UK users click here.
Doctor Memory  is the site of former US basketball player Jerry Lucas, co-author (with Harry Lorayne) of the New York Times best-seller The Memory Book. On TV he has remembered the name of everyone in the studio audience. His methods are set out in audio tapes, videos and books which you can buy online. They include techniques for remembering names and faces, foreign languages, mathematics, history, geography, grammar, punctuation and the Bible [US]
HAPPYneuron is a tool to expand your mind and build up brain-power. Online exercises are designed to develop and strengthen memory, logic, attention, language and visual skills.  They are also aimed at increasing confidence and your ability to listen, read and express yourself. Also in French. [France]
Harry Lorayne has long been one of the foremost memory-training specialists, noted for memorising the name of everyone in audiences of hundreds of people. He is the author of many books and co-author (with Jerry Lucas) of The Memory Book, which topped the New York Times bestseller list for over 50 weeks. His methods for remembering facts, numbers, names and faces and anything else are available on audio tapes, CDs and videos that can be ordered online [US]
Illumine Training  presents UK seminars on speed reading and memory, learning and studying, Mind Mapping, accelerated learning, creativity, information overload, communication skills, stress management [UK]
Jan Dacri presents memory training seminars in the US. Her CD course Instant Memory Upgrade teaches memory systems and brain strengthening exercises - plus breathing and relaxation techniques [US]
Jon Keith  teaches memory skills at seminars in the US and through books and CDs [US]
Learning Performance Seminars  Short study skills courses, held regularly in London and other UK cities, for school and university students [UK]
Memletics.com The Memletics Accelerated Learning System covers: association, mnemonics, visualisation, learning styles, repetition, overlearning, relaxation, concentration, note-taking motivation, self-talk [US]
Memory Improvement and Learning Information outlines a wide range of memory and learning methods, as well as simple memory aids for numerous specific subjects such as music and mathematics [UK]
The Memory Key is the website of psychologist Dr Fiona McPherson. It is designed to help people achieve long-lasting memory improvement. The site covers useful memory strategies, memory and aging, effective study and children's learning. It describes the standard memory training techniques - with comments based on scientific research. There are references to the scientific literature, reviews of memory training books and web links [US]
MemoryMan Seminars and audio cassette courses in memory improvement [US]
Memory Master The Memory Master online course consists of a series of training sessions, each of which deals with either a specific memory training system, or with the practical application of one or more of the systems, such as remembering names and faces [US]
Memory Optimizer  This course, by Vera F. Birkenbihl, teaches methods for remembering facts, figures, telephone numbers, names and faces, jokes, vocabulary, speeches, lectures and presentations, as well as strategies for everyday tasks such as remembering where you put the car keys and memorising to-do lists and instructions. It includes techniques to help you study quickly and to improve skills in sports.  It also covers ways of accessing your memory under stress and remembering events of your past. Audio tapes and CDs can be bought online [US]
The Memory Page A useful online memory course by Kevin Jay North, covering techniques for remembering facts, figures, playing cards etc [US]
Memoryzine   Advertisement for CD courses on remembering numbers, names, faces, actions etc.
Mind Tools Courses in a range of mind skills including memory training, study and creativity. Available online and can be downloaded in PDF format [US]
Mnemonicizer   Provided by the NASA Cognition Laboratory, this free online tool helps you to create acrostics as memory aids [US]
Mnemosyne Basic instruction in standard memory training techniques with information on their history [UK]
The Mind Gym delivers in-company workshops in the UK on: improving short-term memory, remembering names, speed reading, note-taking, observation. Other subjects include: creative problem solving, communication, relationships, stress management [UK]
Online Memory Improvement Course This online course by the University of Amsterdam Department of Psychology Research is in English. Research in memory psychology shows that it is possible to improve memory performance in specific areas by applying memory techniques. The course explains a number of such systems, both simple and sophisticated. Online training software is provided.
Peak Performance Training  presents seminars in the UK on improving memory skills, using the techniques developed by Dominic O'Brien - eight times World Memory Champion. Training covers ways of remembering numbers, memorising dates, putting names to faces. You are taught how your memory works and to use it to maximum efficiency by controlling your brainwaves [UK]
Performance Learning Strategies holds seminars throughout the United States, as well as online seminars. Subjects include:  Reading Speed & Comprehension, Memory Improvement, Writing Effectiveness, Concentration Skills, Time Management, Creative Thinking, Learning Styles [US]
Total Recall  is a PC-based learning program by Huw Watkins which has been helping people to improve their memory skills since 1989. It is available on a floppy disk which can be ordered online [UK]
Trudeau.com The Mega Memory program by Kevin Trudeau provides techniques for remembering such material as names, facts, telephone numbers, things to be done, conversations and teaches ways of reducing study time. Online ordering for audio cassettes and CDs in English,  Spanish and French. Other courses cover speed reading, spelling and mathematics [US]


Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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