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Sites to help you get the job you want

offers online job search facilities, plus links to many sites on career choice, career shift, home working, graduate opportunities, temporary jobs, CVs, interview skills, legal advice, tax, pensions, resignation, redundancy. There are job sites for a range of countries including  United Kingdom & IrelandUnited States, Canada, Australia & New Zealand, India.

America's Job Bank is a US Government-sponsored site listing, typically, a million or more vacancies. Job seekers can post their resume and search for job openings automatically [US]

Worktrain  This UK Government website helps people to find jobs, training, childcare provision and voluntary work. Jobs come from the Government's Jobcentre Plus.  There is also guidance on CV's, interview techniques, in-work benefits and funding for training. Links to related websites [UK]

Dream Builders  Courses and coaching to help you discover your strengths, get motivated within your existing work, or change your career. Also provides training for organisations [UK]

doctorjob Specialised advice on graduate careers, with links to hundreds of employers and thousands of vacancies in the UK and Europe. Links to UK university careers advice services. Guidance on: job-hunting, CVs, interviews, assessment centres, work experience schemes. Also gives advice for school leavers [UK]

Gabbitas Educational Consultants  Consultations in London or by telephone on UK education, training and careers for graduates [UK]

ConnexionsDirect  offers people aged 13-19 quick access to information and advice on a wide range of topics including careers. Advice is also given by telephone, webchat, e-mail or text message [UK]

Skill  The National Bureau for Students With Disabilities is a national UK charity promoting opportunities for young people and adults with any kind of disability in post-16 education, training and employment across the UK. There is also a telephone information service [UK]

Develop your memory!

Whatever your age or educational background, MindUser's fascinating online course will quickly improve your learning powers. Build a superb memory for facts, figures, names and faces. Concentrate, study and pass exams. Remember the data you need at work. And boost every aspect of your personal development. In just 15 minutes from now you could be using your memory in new and exciting ways.

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